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"You read that part, right? I DROVE in Paris"

Jennifer Claywood brings the American road trip to Europe, driving 4,600km in ten days: about the equivalent of a drive from the US east coast to west coast.

Sammanhang: ...Jennifer Claywood brings the American road trip to Europe, driving 4,600km in ten days: about the equivalent of a drive from the US east coast to west coast....

Omnämnda platser: Paris. Omnämnda personer: Jennifer Claywood. - https://www.norran.s...s/jowd76yl - 157 - Datum: 2024-04-29 10:18. - Leta efter artikeln på »

"You read that part, right? I DROVE in Paris"

Jennifer Claywood brings the American road trip to Europe, driving 4,600km in ten days: about the equivalent of a drive from the US east coast to west coast.

Sammanhang: ...Jennifer Claywood brings the American road trip to Europe, driving 4,600km in ten days: about the equivalent of a drive from the US east coast to west coast....

Omnämnda platser: Paris. Omnämnda personer: Jennifer Claywood. - https://www.norran.s...s/jowd76yl - 157 - Datum: 2024-04-29 09:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »